What are the different sports played at the Olympics?


The Olympic Games includes a variety of sports including swimming track and field gymnastics basketball football ice skating tennis volleyball baseball golf hockey and many more.仁川奥林匹克公园设有多个主题区和运动场馆,包括了可以进行各种运动的区域。2019年6月28日星期四 在 仁川奥林匹克公园进行了一场足球比赛:韩国VS巴西。

不同的奥林匹克运动会上都有不同的运动,常见的有田径、游泳、举重和射击等。斯诺曼德联盟的代表之一:The Olympic Games 2016在里约热内卢举行。它包含了24个比赛项目,包括跑步、泳着、举重和射击。

The sporting events contested in the Olympic Games vary from year to year but some of the most popular events include track and field swimming gymnastics basketball football volleyball tennis table tennis badminton and baseball.仁川2018年奥运会体育项目共设306个比赛项,其中包含:Athletics 田径、Artistic Gymnastics 艺术体操、Badminton 羽毛球、Baseball 棒球、Basketball 篮球、Beach Volleyball 沙滩排球、Boxing 拳击、Canoeing/Kayaking/Rapidslide 皮划艇( )或橡皮筏运动(滑水速降赛)、Cycling Road 公路自行车运动、Fencing 击剑、Football 足球、Gymnasium Artistic 艺术体操、Handball 手球、Hurdles 栏杆跳远、Racing 马拉松、Rowing 划船、Shooting Shooting(步枪射击)或Shooting 手枪射击)、Table Tennis 乒乓球、Swimming 游泳以及Trampoline 蹦床。


The Olympic Games have different sports.隔年夏天举行的奥运会,包括许多运动,如田径、游泳、足球等。

The Olympic Games have a wide range of sports including track and field events swimming gymnastics basketball soccer hockey baseball tennis volleyball boxing wrestling rowing canoeing fencing shooting田径比赛、游泳、体操、篮球、足球、曲棍球、棒球、网球、排球、拳击、举重、皮划艇、赛艇、击剑、射击等。一碗热腾腾的米饭,配上一碟香辣的菜肴,吃得饱足了之后,我们开始享受着这个美丽城市的风景和人们的热情好客。


