Are there any common mistakes when practicing "10's" addition?

Are there any common mistakes when practicing


**是的,常见的错误包括将两个数相加时不使用竖式计算法。 或者在进行十进制分母除以被除方根号操作中出现零头问题**


Yes! One of the most common mistake people make while learning how to add numbers using 10's is not paying attention to units."

常见的错误是将被加数的个位数字写在十位上,例如:2 + 8 = 36。正确的做法应该是先从右往左逐个相加得到和为9,然后再加上九的位置上的数字(即八)来得出最终结果——54。"\

Yes! There are some common mistakes people make when practicing 10's addition."

Yes, one of the most common mistake is not carrying through your multiplication or division when doing long division.

Common mistake for 10's addition is to add the tens digit twice."

常见的错误是将两个数字相加,而不是进行 10的幂运算。例如:2 + 3 = 5, 而正确的做法应该是计算 (2^2) + (3^2) = 8+9=17
