

  1. wood boards
  2. nails
  3. screws
  4. sandpaper
  5. ruler


  1. 准备 wood boards, nails, screws, sandpaper, and a ruler.
  2. Cut the wood boards to the desired length of the steps.
  3. Assemble the steps by attaching them to the base board using nails or screws.
  4. Sand the steps to remove any rough edges.
  5. Measure the distance between the steps and mark it on the ruler.
  6. Cut the wood boards to the desired length of the risers.
  7. Attach the risers to the steps using nails or screws.
  8. Sand the risers to remove any rough edges.
  9. Attach the risers to the base board using nails or screws.
  10. Decorate the steps as desired.


  • 使用相同长度的 wood boards可以构建不同的楼梯高度。
  • 使用不同的材料,例如木材或塑料板,可以构建更耐用的楼梯。
  • 确保楼梯的间距足够,以便轻松行走。