


小学英语关于天气教案【篇一:英语教案(天气)】unit 4 weatherlesson aims1.sentence whats the weather like in ...? its. ... conversation about weather.

2、 can speak english fluently i heard weather adjective:rainy, sunny, cloudy, windy, and snowy.3.weather differences, understand the different parts of the world. main point1 , heard weather adjective rainy, sunny, cloudy, windy, and snowy2 and the sentence whats the weather like in ...? its .... answering inquiries on weather conditions.difficult point1 and therainy, cloudy and other unfamiliar words and catchy, memories. 2 and the sentence whats the weather like in ...? its .... speak english fluently about the weather question.teaching aidsweather page weather word cards.teachinghours: one hourteaching proceduresstep1 warm up

1、 greeting.

2、 the teacher shows thermometers and lets students answer weather. step2 presentation1 .new wordsthermometers there was minus 5 degrees celsius, snow appears sound. new word: snowy,snow – snowyuse listen said it way to teach other new words.

2、 the teacher produce a calendar and circle specific dates, students asso。



小学英语兴趣班教案【篇一:小学英语兴趣小组教案】短剧go shopping1.活动目的1利用购物句型can help you?” “what do you want?”“ how about…?”“how much..?”等进一步扩展,排练并表演,走向实践2)培养学生综合运用所学过的语言知识,扩大词汇量。2.活动准备(1)任务包(2)把教室布置成若干个商业地点,如kfc、toy shop、fruit shop等。(3)发给每一组学生若干钱(自己制作)(4)学生带些实物,如水果、文具、食物、玩具等。一些新出现且没有实物的用图片代替。(教师事先布置)(5)学生自制人物的头饰(教师事先布置)3.活动地点教室4.活动过程:step 1 presentationt:today let’s do some shopping, ok?s:ok!t:first ,let’s revision.s:学生表演t:here are some tasks. please choose!11.tom的外婆病了,tom和他的父母亲(mr. read和mrs. read)想买些水果去看望她。现在,他们到了果店。水果店有下列水果:西瓜(watermelon)、菠萝(pineapple)、哈密瓜(hemi-melon)、苹果、梨、桔子、香蕉、樱桃(cherry)….2.kate和她的父母亲(mr. green和mrs. green)从公园出来,kate饿了,想去kfc吃东西。kfc里有hamburger , french fried, cola, orange juice, chicken等。3.lin tao想买一些文具用品,他来到了新华书店。文具用品有:4

2、now let’t: some studen。
