hello!how are you?儿歌im glad to be with,How old are you 儿歌 (跟两只老虎调是一样的)

hello!how are you?儿歌im glad to be with

1、hello!how are you?儿歌im glad to be with

A:Hello !How are youB;I am {fine ],what is {wrong } with you?A:I have got{ a}cold.B:I am{sorry } to {hear that.why { don't } you go to see the { doctorA:I will.{thank }you !goodbuy!B:goodbuy!

How old are you 儿歌 (跟两只老虎调是一样的)

2、How old are you 儿歌 (跟两只老虎调是一样的)

Big Ali

英文儿歌hello how are you 的mp3伴奏

3、英文儿歌hello how are you 的mp3伴奏


有一首英语歌中how are you 特别多(不是童谣),请问这首歌是???

4、有一首英语歌中how are you 特别多(不是童谣),请问这首歌是???

就叫how are you。

one two how are you....是什么英语儿歌

5、one two how are you....是什么英语儿歌

我几十年居住北美, 这首儿歌以 one two how are you 开头我倒没听过, 北美的版本叫 One two buckle my shoe 是这样的: One, two, buckle my shoe. Three, four, shut the door. Five, six, pick up sticks. Seven, eight, lay them straight. Nine, ten, that's the end! 不过没有理由标题和第一句不可以用 one two how are you 来代替。 希望帮到了你,满意请点击“选为满意答案”及时采纳,谢谢。

one two three how are you....是什么英语儿歌?

6、one two three how are you....是什么英语儿歌?

数字歌(One two three four five six seven eight nine ten .)One two three four . How are you ?How are you ?How are you ?Five six seven eight nine ten .How are you .One two three four .How do you do ? How do you do ? How do you do ?Five six seven eight nine ten .How do you do ?(One two three four five six seven eight nine ten .)。
