关于水果的少儿英语教案?少儿英语小故事 幼儿简单英语童话小故事带翻译




少儿英语小故事 幼儿简单英语童话小故事带翻译

2、少儿英语小故事 幼儿简单英语童话小故事带翻译

1、幼儿简单英语小故事——3个好朋友 One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He can’t swim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. The rabbit swims to the monkey, but he can’t help him. Luckily, an elephant comes along. He is very strong. He helps the rabbit and monkey. Three friends are very happy. They go to the elephant’s home. Then, three of them become good friends. 1天, 1只猴子在河边骑车。这时他看见树下有1只狮子,狮子向他跑来。他非常的害怕,掉进河里。他不会游泳,大叫起来。兔子听见了,跳进水里,但他却没有办法救猴子。幸运的是,1只大象过来了。大象非常强壮,救出了兔子和猴子。他们来到大象的家,在那里吃了1顿大餐。从此他们成了好朋友。

2、幼儿简单英语小故事——老人和老猫 An old man has a cat. The cat is very old, too. He runs very quickly. And his teeth are bad. One evening, the old cat sees a little mouse. He catches it, but he can’t eat it because his teeth are not strong enough. The mouse runs away. The old man is very angry. He beats his cat. He says: “You are a fool cat. I will punish you!” the cat is very sad. He thinks:“When I was young, I worked hard for you. Now you don’t like me because I’m too old to work. You should know you are old, too.” 1个年迈的老人养1只猫。这只猫也非常老了。她跑得很快,但是牙齿很糟糕。1天王还是那个,这只老猫看见1只小老鼠。它抓住了小老鼠,但是它却吃不了它,因为它的牙齿不够锋利了。这只小老鼠逃跑了。 老人很生气,他打了小猫,并且对它说:“你这只蠢猫!我要惩罚你!”猫非常伤心,它想:“在我还年轻的时候,我为你努力工作。现在你却因为我太老了不能工作而不喜欢我。你应该知道你也老了。”

3、幼儿简单英语小故事——驴子与蚱蜢 AN ASS having heard some Grasshoppers chirping, was highly enchanted; and, desiring to possess the same charms of melody, demanded what sort of food they lived on to give them such beautiful voices. They replied, The dew. The Ass resolved that he would live only upon dew, and in a short time died of hunger. 驴子听见蚱蜢唱歌,被美妙动听的歌声所打动,自己也想能发出同样悦耳动听的声音,便 羡慕地问他们吃些什么,才能发出如此美妙的声音来。蚱蜢答道:“吃露水。”驴子便也只吃露水,没多久就饿死了。这个故事告诉人们不要企望非份之物。



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故事1般都和原始人类的生产生活有密切关系,他们迫切地希望认识自然,于是便以自身为依据,想象天地万物都和人1样,有着生命和意志。本文是优秀少儿英语故事,希望对大家有帮助!   优秀少儿英语故事:羊群和狗   Once upon a time the sheep plained to the shepherd about the difference in his treatment of themselves and his dog "Your conduct," said they, "is very strange and, we think, very unfair. We provide you with wool and lambs and milk and you give us nothing but grass, and even that we have to find for ourselves: but you get nothing at all from the dog, and yet you feed him with tit-bits from your own table." Their remarks were overheard by the dog, who spoke up at once and said, "Yes, and quite right, too: where would you be if it wasn't for me? Thieves would steal you! Wolves would eat you! Indeed, if I didn't keep constant watch over you, you would be too terrified even to graze!" The sheep were obliged to acknowledge that he spoke the truth, and never again made a grievance of the regard in which he was held by his master.   从前,有1群羊向牧羊人抱怨自己和狗受到了差别待遇。“你的行为很奇怪,”羊群说,“我们认为非常不公平,我们为您提供羊毛、羔羊肉和羊奶,你却只给我们吃草,甚至于我们还要自己去找草吃。你从狗那里什么也没得到,可你却从自己餐桌上拿些精美的食物喂他。”狗听到了他们的言论,立刻开口说:“是的,的确如此。要不是有我在,你们会在哪里呢?小偷们早就偷走你们了!狼也会吃掉你们!其实,如果没有我守护着你们,你看可能连吃草都吓得不敢去!”羊群不得不承认他说的有道理,便不再提受到主人差别待遇的意见了。   优秀少儿英语故事:驴和狗   An ass and a dog were on their travels together, and, as they went along, they found a sealed packet lying on the ground. The ass picked it up. Broke the seal, and found it contained some writing, which he proceeded to read out aloud to the dog. As he read on it turned out to be all about grass and barley and hay-in short, all the kinds of fodderthat asses are fond of. The dog was a good deal bored with listening to all this, till at last his impatience got the better of him, and he cried, "Just skip a few pages, friend, and see if there isn't something about meat and bones." The ass glanced all through the packet, but fund nothing of the sort, and said so. Then the Dog said in disgust, "Oh, throw it away, do: what's the good of a thing like that?"   1头驴和1只狗1起外出旅行,走了1段路后,他们发现地上有1封密封好的信。驴捡起来,撕开封印,发现上面有写好的字,便大声读给狗听。可是,信里提到的几乎全是干草、大麦和糠麸之类驴喜欢的东西。听到这些内容,狗觉得很无聊,终于不耐烦地对驴喊道:“赶紧跳过这些内容,朋友,看看,看看下面有没有提到肉和骨头之类的东西。”驴浏览了1下信的全部内容,没有发现任何狗所想要的东西,就如实说了。然后,狗就带着厌恶的表情说:“把它扔了吧,朋友,这封信有什么意思呀?”   优秀少儿英语故事:猪和绵羊   A pig found his way into a meadow where a flock of sheep were grazing. The shepherd caught him, and was proceeding to carry him off to the butcher's when he set up a loudsquealing and struggled to get free. The sheep rebuked him for making such a to-do, and said to him, "The shepherd catches us regularly and drags us off just like that, and we don't make any fuss." "No, I dare say not," replied the pig, "but my case and yours are altogether different: he only wants you for wool, but he wants me for bacon."   有1头猪跑进正在牧场里吃草的羊群中,牧羊人抓住了他,要把他送到屠夫那里,猪鬼哭狼嚎般拼命挣扎着想逃出来。羊群指责他大惊小怪,对猪说:“我们经常被牧羊人抓住,就像刚才那样被拖走,可从来不这样喊叫。”猪回答说:“我和你们绝对不1样,他抓你是为了你的毛,抓我却是为了吃我的肉呀。” 。



A Smart Tortoise   A tiger is hungry, he is looking for food. He sees a frog in front of him.   “Ha ha! A frog! My dinner!” so he rushes at the frog.   Behind the tiger, there is a tortoise. The little tortoise sees it; he bites the tiger’s tail.   “Ouch!” cries the tiger and he looks back. The frog hears the voice and jumps into water.   “Thank you, little tortoise.” says the frog.   But the tiger is very angry. “Bother it! I’ll throw you to the sky!”   “Thank you, I like flying in the sky,” says the tortoise.   The tiger stops, “I will throw you into the river.”   “Oh,no! I can’t swim; I will die if you throw me into the water.” The tiger threw the tortoise into the water quickly.   “Thank you, Mr. Tiger. Bye-bye.” The tortoise and the frog swim away together.   聪明的乌龟   1只老虎很饥饿,他正在寻找食物。他看到1只青蛙在他前面。   “哈哈!1只青蛙,我有晚餐啦!”于是,他补向青蛙。   在老虎的后边,有1只乌龟。小乌龟看见了,他猛咬1下啊老虎的`尾巴。   “哎呦!”老虎疼得叫起来并回头看看。此时青蛙听见了老虎的声音,他迅速跳进水里。   “谢谢你,小乌龟。”青蛙说。   大事老虎十分愤怒:“讨厌!我要把你扔到天上去。”   “谢谢你,我喜欢在天空飞翔。”乌龟说。   老虎停下来:“那我就把你扔到到水里。”   “哦,不!我不会游泳,如果你把我扔井水里我会死的。”老虎很快就把乌龟仍进水了。   “谢谢你,老虎先生,再见!”乌龟和青蛙1起游走了。



少儿英语小故事《狐狸和山羊》   你听过狐狸和山羊的故事么?下面我为你收集整理了双语版的狐狸和山羊的故事,又能看故事又能学习英语,1举两得,何乐而不为呢?   The Fox and the Goat 狐狸和山羊   A thirsty Fox looks for water.   有1只口渴的狐狸在找水。   It’s so hot today. And I’m so thirsty. There’s no water anywhere.   今天真热。而且我好渴啊!到处都没有水。   The Fox keeps looking. Far away, he sees something.   狐狸不停的找,远远地他看到1些东西。   Wait ! What’s that ? I think it’s a well. I’m saved ! There must be water there.   等等!那是什么?我想那是口水井!我得救了!那里1定有水。   The Fox runs towards the well. He is very happy.   狐狸跑向水井。他非常高兴。   I was right. There’s lots of water here. It looks so cold and delicious. But how can I get the water? The well looks very deep. Oh, what shall I do ?   我对了。这里有很多水。看起来凉爽又可口。但是我怎么才能喝到水呢?水井看起来很深。哦,我该怎么办?   The Fox thinks and thinks .   狐狸想了又想。   I can’t stand it anymore. I’m too thirsty. I’ll just jump in . Here I go ! (splash)   我再也忍不住了。我太渴了。我要跳进去。我要去啰!(啪唰)   The Fox jumps into the well .   狐狸跳入井中。   It is so cool in here . The water tastes so fresh and cold . I can drink it all day . But wait a minute . This well is deeper than I thought . My paws can’t reach the top . Oh my ! Now I’m im big trouble . How can I get out ? There’s no one nearly . There’s no one to help me . What have I done ! Boo – hoo .这里好凉快。这水尝起来又干净又清凉。我可以喝它1整天。可是等1等。这井比我想象的深多了。我的手爪够不到顶。我的天!现在我有麻烦了,我怎么出去呢?这附近没有人。没有人来救我。我做了什么事?呜…呜…   The Fox is very scared . He can’t think of a way to get out of the well .   狐狸非常害怕。他想不出任何跳离水井的方法。   He cries all morning .   他哭了整个早上。   Then he hears a familiar voice from far away . Suddly , he has a good idea .   然后他听见远远传来熟悉的声音。突然,他想出1个好主意。   I’m thirsty and hot , Where is the water ? I need a drink right now .   我又渴又热,水在哪里呢?我现在要喝点水。   The Goat sees the same well .He walks towards the well.   羊看到同1口井。他走向水井。   Ahha ! There’s a well , I found some water ! I can have a drink there , Thank goodness !   啊哈!有1口井。我看到1些水了!我可以在哪里喝1点水,感谢老天!   The Goat gets closer to the well . He hears a familiar voice .   羊靠近水井。他听到1个熟悉的声音。   How are you today ,Goat ?   你今天好吗,羊?   What was that ? Who said that? I don’t see anyone around. Where did the voice come from?   那是什么?谁在说话?这附近我谁也没看到啊。那声音是从哪来的?   The Goat keeps looking around . But can’t find anyone .   羊不停地4处张望。可是谁也没看见。   This is strange . I hear a voice , but there’s no one around .   怪了,我听到1个声音,可是没有人在这附近。   I’m here , Goat , I’m inside the well .   我在这里,羊,我在井里。   Inside the well ? Whose voice was that ?   在井里?那是谁的声音?   The Goat looks into the well .   羊朝井里看去。   Oh my goodness , Fox ! What are you doing down there ?   哦,我的天啊,狐狸!你在下面做什么呀?   I was thirsty . So I came down here for a drink .   我很渴,所以我下来喝水。   How is the water ? Is it fresh and cold ?   井水怎么样?它干净和清凉吗?   Of course . The water down here is fantastic . It’s the best water I’ve ever tasted . And I’m enjoying it all by myself . 当然,这里的水真是太棒了。这是我喝过最棒的水了。而且都由我1个人享用。   Well ,um , I’m thirsty , too . Can I come down and join you ? I just need one drink .   哦,我也渴了。我可以下去跟你1起吗?我只要喝1口就好了。   Well , let me think about it .   这个吗,让我想想。   The Fox pretends to thinking about something .   狐狸假装思考1些事情。   Come on , Fox , I’m your friend . Let me come down .   拜托,狐狸,我是你的.朋友,让我下去吧。   Well , all right , Just this once . I didn’t want to share the water with anyone . But since you are my friend , I’ll let you come down .   嗯,好吧,就这么1次。我不想跟任何人分享这水。可是既然你是我的朋友,我就让你下来吧。   Thanks a lot , Fox . You are too generous, I’m coming down now .   感激不尽,狐狸。你真大方,我现在就下来。   The Goat also jumps into the well and makes a big splash.   羊也跳入井口并溅起了大水花。   Welcome ,Goat , Try the water , How is it ?   欢迎,羊,试试看这水,怎么样啊?   Mmm… it is delicious . This is the best water in the world . Thank you for sharing it with me .   嗯…好喝。这是世界上最棒的水了。谢谢你让我跟你1起分享。   It’s nothing . I’m just glad you like it . But don’t you think it’s too crowded in here ? It was fine when I was alone . Now it’s too small .   没什么,我很高兴你喜欢。不过你不觉得这里很挤吗?当我1个人的时候,这里还可以,现在太小了。   I’m sorry , shall I get out now ? 我很抱歉,我现在该出去了吗?   No , it’s okay . I’ve had enough water for today. I’ll be leaving now. You can drink some more.   不,没关系。我今天已经喝够多的水了。我现在要走了,你可以多喝点。   Thank you , Fox , You are too kind .   谢谢你,狐狸,你人真好。   Keep drinking. I’m just jump on your back and climb out now.   继续喝。我现在就猜着你的背出去。   The Fox steps on the Goat’s back and swiftly gets out of the well .   狐狸踩着羊的背迅速地爬出水井。   Thank goodness , I’m out .   感谢老天,我出来了。   (echoing voice from the well)Are you there , Fox ? I’m finished drinking. I want to get out now. Help me up. please.   (来自井里的声音)你在哪里呀,狐狸?我喝完了。我现在要出去,请帮帮我。   I’m sorry , Goat , I can’t help you. If I do . I might fall in again.   对不起,羊。我不能帮你。如果我帮你,我可能会再掉下去。   Please help me out , I’m not thirsty anymore. And it’s getting dark in here.   请帮我出去。我不渴了。而且这里越来越黑了。   That’s too hard , Goat. You should have thought of a way out before. Next time , think before you act, okay? I’m busy ,I must be going.   那太糟了,羊。你应该事先就想到出来的办法。下次,要3思而后行,好吗?我很忙,我得走了。   Do’t leave me here alone , Fox . I’m afraid , How can I get out by myself ?   不要留下我1个人在这里,狐狸!我很害怕,我自己怎么出去?   Trick another foolish animal like yourself. Good luck , Good-bye .   骗骗像你这么愚蠢的动物吧!祝好运,再见。   MORAL: Think carefull before you act .   要3思而后行。 ;。
