


1. facial expressions

  • sadness: downturned mouth, slack lips, sunken eyes
  • happiness: wide eyes, smiling lips, open posture
  • anger: flushed face, clenched jaw, furrowed brows
  • fear: wide eyes, wide mouth, trembling lips
  • surprise: wide eyes, wide mouth, open posture

2. body language

  • posture: hunched posture, slumped shoulders, stooped back
  • gestures: fidgeting, avoiding eye contact, rapid eye movements
  • tone of voice: flat, monotone, or high-pitched
  • facial expressions: furrowed brows, tight lips, clenched jaw

3. tone of voice

  • happy: upbeat, positive, energetic
  • sad: low-pitched, despairing, pessimistic
  • angry: high-pitched, aggressive, demanding
  • fearful: high-pitched, shaky, whimpering
  • surprised: wide-eyed, breathless, hesitant

4. verbal cues

  • words: use of negative or pessimistic phrases, self-deprecating statements
  • tone of voice: monotone, flat, or sarcastic
  • body language: avoiding eye contact, staying close to the person

5. context

  • the situation: stressful, traumatic, or challenging
  • the relationship between the person and the situation
  • their past experiences

6. self-awareness

  • reflecting on one's own feelings and thoughts
  • being able to identify the source of an emotion

7. observing others

  • noticing how others express emotions
  • understanding the cultural norms for expressing emotions


  • not all people display emotions in the same way.
  • some emotions can be expressed in multiple ways.
  • the source of an emotion can change over time.