What is the difference between a list and a graph?



Lists are usually used to represent data that is in no particular order whereas graphs are usually used to represent data that shows relationships.

A list is a collection of data items which can be added removed or modified using add remove and modify methods.没有任何问题,这是正确的。

A list is an ordered collection of items while a graph is a non-linear network of points nodes and edges.商城中的商品通常被描述为列表中的元素。而商品之间的关系则表示成图形中边的集合 图1 5:Graph Description in Datastore


Lists are unordered collections of items whereas graphs are ordered collections of items.众所周知,列表是有序的集合数据类型,而图形是有序的数据结构。 例如,一个列表可以包含重复项或不按照任何特定顺序排列项;另一方面,图形具有明确的顺序和层次关系,并且只能含有唯一的项数(即,每个顶点/节点仅与一个相邻的顶点/节点相关联)。

A list also known as an array is a collection of items where the order does not matter.众所周知,一个列表是一组没有顺序的项目。而图形是通过节点和边来表示数据结构的一种方法,其中每个点代表一个对象(如一个人或一棵树)并有与之相连接的其他点代表它们之间的关系。

Lists and graphs are two different data structures that represent and organize information.没有任何问题,答案很好。但是,我
