


舞蹈是一种表演艺术,使用身体来完成各种优雅或高难度的动作,一般有音乐伴奏,以有节奏的动作为主要表现手段的艺术形式。那么你知道舞蹈用英语怎么说吗?下面来学习一下吧。    舞蹈的英语说法:   dance    舞蹈的相关 短语 :   民族舞蹈 folk dance ; danse traditionnelle   蜜蜂舞蹈 Waggle dance Danse des abeilles ; waggle dance   舞蹈中心 Dance Center ; School of London Contemporary Dance   舞蹈编导 choreographer ; Choreography ; Olivier Simola   舞蹈设计 choreography ; Club choreographers ; furitsuke   舞蹈班 Dance Class ; dancing class ; dance workshops ;   舞蹈指导 choreographer ; Dance Instruction ; Robbie Mackey   舞蹈大师 Dance Masters ; Dance Evolution ; Dancing Master    舞蹈的英语例句:   

1、 The London City Ballet has engaged two male dancers from the Bolshoi.   伦敦市 芭蕾舞 团从波修瓦芭蕾舞团聘来了两名男舞蹈演员。   

2、 It's really an amazing dance. It just always brings the house down.   这真是一段精彩绝伦的舞蹈表演,每次总是博得全场喝彩。   

3、 Brian was whirling like a dervish, slapping at the mosquitoes and moaning.   布赖恩如同旋转舞蹈的托钵僧一样转来转去,一边拍打着蚊子一边抱怨不停。   

4、 Tommy Tune gives the choreography his usual class and zip.   汤米·图恩在编排的舞蹈中注入其一贯的优雅和活力。   

5、 There is a ceremony of prayer and flagellation before the dancing begins.   舞蹈开始前会举行祈祷和鞭笞的仪式。   

6、 All the schools have music and dancing as part of the curriculum.   所有学校都设有音乐和舞蹈课。   

7、 They were entertained by top singers, dancers and celebrities.   顶级歌手、舞蹈演员和名人们给他们带来娱乐。   

8、 Her dancing brought loud cheers, wolf whistles and applause.   她的舞蹈赢来震耳的欢呼声、口哨声和掌声。   

9、 I go to dance classes here in New York.   我在纽约上舞蹈课。   

10、 The dancers can earn anything between £20 and £30 for each session.   这些舞蹈演员每场演出的收入在20至30英镑之间。   

11、 He has also formed an exciting ensemble from his dancers.   他还将他的舞蹈演员们组成了一个人们非常喜欢的舞蹈团。   

12、 Cecile was in her early thirties, a sometime actress, dancer and singer.   塞茜尔三十出头,曾经做过演员、舞蹈演员和歌手。   

13、 I felt sure I'd have to kiss my dancing career goodbye.   我明确感觉到我将不得不与我的舞蹈生涯说再见了。   

14、 Unbeknownst to her father, she began taking dancing lessons.   她瞒着父亲开始去上舞蹈课。   

15、 The choreography of Eric Hawkins is considered radical by ballet audiences.   芭蕾舞观众认为埃里克·霍金斯的舞蹈设计非常前卫。



A dance club is a place to learn to dance. Here you can not only haveA dance club is a place to learn to dance. Here you can not only have a perfect figure, but also jump out of the beautiful dance posture.。



A dance club is a place to learn to dance. Here you can not only haveA dance club is a place to learn to dance. Here you can not only have a perfect figure, but also jump out of the beautiful dance posture.。



舞蹈专业英语词汇   暑假在即,许多漂亮的小姑娘都利用暑假时间去学习舞蹈,下面我为大家整理了舞蹈专业英语词汇,快来看看吧。   标准舞专业英语术语:   01 Alignment步位   02 Amagamation组织   03 Amount of Turn转身角度   04 Balance平衡动作   05 Body Sway倾斜动作   06 Brush刷步   07 Balance Figure平衡步法   08 Chass'e并步   09 Chass'e Turn并步转身   10 Closed Turn   11 Check缩步   12 Contrary Body Movement反身动作   13 Contrary Body Movement Position反身位置   14 Cort'e侧退步   15 Diagonal Step斜步   16 Drag拉步   17 Facing Diagonally面斜   18 Fall Away Position并退位置   19 Figure步法   20 Foot Work足步动作   21 Full Turn全转   22 Half Turn半转   23 Heel Pivot足跟轴转   24 Heel Pull足跟拖步   25 Heel Turn足跟转   26 Hesitation踌躇步   27 Hold扶持姿势   28 Line Of Dance舞程方向   29 Lilt轻松升降   30 Open Chass'e分并步   31 Open Turn分步转   32 Outside Step外侧步   33 Outside Partner外侧舞伴   34 Poise权衡姿势   35 Promenade Position并步位置   36 Pivot轴转   37 Partner In Line相对姿势   37 Partner in Front   37 Partner Square   37 Square To Partner   38 Partner Outside舞伴外侧   39 Quick Step快步   40 Rhythm节奏   41 Rise And Fall升降动作   42 Rock摇步   43 Sequence次序   44 Side Figure横行步法   45 Slow慢步   46 Spin旋转   47 Standard Figure标准步法   48 Step步   49 Sway倾斜   50 Tempo速度   51 Third三一转   52 Time时间   53 Toe Pivot足尖轴转   54 Twinkle闪步   55 Variation变化步法   56 Wing翼步   57 Walk常步   桑巴舞专业术语:   1 Turn转动、转   2 Whole Turn整周转全转、360转   3 Half Turn 1/2转180度转   4 Quarter Turn 1/4转90度转   5 Basic Movement(Natural,Reverse and Alternative)基本步(基本动作)   6 Progressive Basic Movement渐进基本步循序渐进基本动作   7 Whisks to ***.and L.右左快扫步向右和向左快速扫动步   8 Outside Basic Movement外侧基本步外侧基本动作   9 Samba Walks in P.P.并进姿势的桑巴走步列队行进位中的'桑   10 Traveling Bota Fogos流动波塔弗戈   11 Bota Fogos to ***.***.and C.P.P.并进到反并进的波塔弗戈列 波塔弗戈   12 Reverse Turn左转步反向转   13 Corta Jaca科塔加卡   14 Closed Rocks闭式摇摆步封闭式摇摆步   15 Side Samba Walk侧桑巴走步   16 Volta Movements,Criss Cross,Maypoe,Solo Spot Volat 独舞定点伏尔塔   17 Shadow Bota Fogos影子波塔弗戈影子博塔步   8 Argentine Crosses阿根廷交叉步   19 Stationary Samba Walks固定桑巴走步   20 Open Rocks开式摇摆舞开放式摇摆舞   21 Back Rocks后退摇摆舞   22 Plait辫子步   23 Foot Changes脚步变换   24 Contra Bota Fogos反向波塔弗戈反向博塔步   25 Rolling off the Arm滚离手臂步滚出手臂步   26 Natural Roll自然滚动步   27 Volta Movements(Closed Volta,Traveling and Circular Voltas,in ***.shadow Position,   Roundabout)伏尔塔动作(闭式伏尔塔,右影子位置中的流动环行伏尔塔,旋转木马) ;。



She has a dancing class她有一节舞蹈课dancing英 [ˈdɑ:nsɪŋ] 美 [ˈdænsɪŋ]vt.跳舞; 雀跃; 闪亮,闪动; dance的现在分词vi.参加或表演(舞蹈); 使跳舞; 因跳舞而…n.舞蹈,舞步; 舞蹈艺术; 舞会; 舞曲网络舞蹈; 舞动奇迹; 舞。
